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1860s Sauvie Island
“A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by future descendants”
Lord Macaulay
(a British Historian and Politician 1800-1859)
Alley, B. F. & J. P. Munro Frazer, clark County, Washington History 1885. Ed. Post Publishing Company, 425 N. E. 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington (VCL)
Cary, Charles Henry, History of Oregon, The Pioneer Historical Publishing Co., 1922, Chicago, Illinois (GFO, OHS, VCL, MCL)
Clark County Pioneers, Volume ii. Clark County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 2728, Vancouver, WA 98668 (GFO, FVRL)
Clark County Pioneers, “A centennial Salute” Clark County Genalogical Society. PO Box 2728, Vancouver, WA 98668 (GFO,VCL)
Clark, Keith & Tiller, Lowell, “Terrible Trail, The Meek Cutoff, 1845” Caxton Printers, LTD, Caldwell, Idaho, 1967 (GFO, FVRL)
Columbia County Marriage Records, Published by The Genealogical Forum of Oregon.
Columbia County Cemetery Records, Published by the Genealogical Forum of Oregon.
Columbia County, Oregon Historical Society Quarterly, Vol, XI, 1972, pg 44-48. Publication of the Columbia County, Oregon Historical Society, St. Helens, Oregon (GFO, OHS)
“Fields of Flowers and Forests of Firs”, A history of the Woodland Community, 1850-1958 The report of the History Committee, Woodland, WA. (GFO,FVRL)
Gaston, Joseph, The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1912, Vol III, S. J. Clark Publishing Company, 1912, Chicago, Illinois (GFO, MCL)
Historical Collections of Ohio. The State of Ohio, C. J. Kreibeil & Co., Printers & Binders, Cincinnati, Ohio. Copyright 1888 by Henry Howe, L. I. D. 1904 (SPL)
Knapp Funeral Home Records, 1907-1925, compiled by Gerry Gilman for the Clark County Genealogical Society, P O. Box 2728, Vancouver, WA 98668. Copyrighted and Published 1992 (GFO, FVRL)
Lockley, Fred, Columbia River Valley, History of the Columbia River Valley from The Dalles to the Sea. Vol 1, 11, 111. S. J. Clark Publishing Co., 1928. (GFO, OHS, MCL)
Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon, 1855-1873. Abstracted by Harriette Word Park. Published by the Genealogical Forum of Oregon, May 1977 (GFO)
Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon, Book 5, June 1883-Dec 1885. Abstracted by Harriette Word Park. Published ny the Genealogical forum of Oregon, 1984 (GFO)
Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon, Book 6, Dec 1885-Sept 1888. Abstracted by Harriette Word Park. Published by The Genealogical Forum of Oregon, 1985. (GFO)
McQuinn Family Pioneer Association, Oregon Bound, Published by the McQuinn Family Pioneer Association. Reprinted in 1997
Mongomery, Donna Wojack, “The Brazen Overlanders of 1845” Heritage Books, Inc., 1540 East Painter Ridge Place, Bowie, Maryland, 20716 (FGFO, MCL, SPL)
The Ohio Genealogical Society, Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, Volume XV, July – Sept 1974, pg 125, 126, 128. Route 1, box 223B, Ashland, Ohio 44805 (GFO, SPL)
Portrait and Biographical Records, Oregon - Willamette Valley, Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1903 (GFO, OHS, MCL)
Probated Intestate Estates, Early Oregon, Vol 1, Compiled by Mary (Hedges) Reiner. Multnomah Chapter DAR, April 1951 (GFO, OHS)
`Probated Intestate Estates, Early Oregon Vol 2, Compiled by Mary (Hedges) Reiner. Multnomah Chapter DAR, October 1951. (GFO, OHS)
Scott, Harvey Whitfield, History of Portland, Oregon. D, Mason & Company, 1890, Syracuse< N.Y. (GFO. MCL)
Vancouver Register, abstracted in The Trail Breakers by Pat Bauer of the Clark County Genealogical Society.
Trail Breakers, Vol. 21, No. 2, Winter 1994-95, pg 21 (Knowles)
Trail Breakers, Vol. 22, No. 3, Spring 1996, pg 27 (Bonser)
Trail Breakers, Vol. 22, No. 4, Summer 1996, pg 22 (Cunningham)
Trail Breakers, Vol, 23, No. 1, Fall 1996, pg 27 (Bonser)
Trail Breakers, Vol. 23, No. 2, Winter 1996-97, pg 25, (Cunningham)
Trail Breakers, Vol 23, Spring 1997. Pg 24, (Cunningham)
Washington County Marriage Records, Published by The Genealogical Forum of Oregon. (GFO. OHS)
Washington County Oregon Cemetery Records, Published by The Genealogical Society of Oregon (GFO, OHS)