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1860s Sauvie Island
“A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by future descendants”
Lord Macaulay
(a British Historian and Politician 1800-1859)
Oregon Donation Land Claims Sauvie Island,
Columbia Countq, Oregon
Township Three 'North, Range One West
Johnson, Stephen
DLC #3066 T3N, R1W, Sections 23, 26
Bonser, John
DLC #3247 T3N, R1W, Sections 10, 13, 14, 23
Bonser, James H.
DLC #4465 T3N, R1W, Sections 28, 33
Armstrong, Marquis L. DLC #4802 T3N, R1W, Section 28, 33
Bonser, Stephen
DLC #5090 T3N, R1W, Sections 21, 28
Oregon Homesteads on Sauvie Island
Knox, George
Homestead #123 T3N, R1W, Sectionl 1
Thomas, James
Homestead #122 T3N, R1W, Section 2
The following people bought land from earlq settlers on Sauvie Island.
Clinton Bonser bought land in T3N, R1W, section 30. Warrant #823
Hilton Bonser bought land In T3N, R1W, Sections 23, 26 from the Stephen Johnson DLC #3066.
George Ham bought land in T3N, R1W, Section 11.
Henry Thomas bought land from George Ham and George Knox.
James Bonser bought land in T3N, R1W, Sections 2 and 3. Certificate #124.
He purchased the right of William Walker, deceased.
Clark County, Washington
Not all of these land claims will show on the opposite map. Many were never completed. Some settlers moved back to Sauvie Island, some to other parts of Washington and some passed away.
Bonser/Banzer, James H.
T4N, R1E, Section 8
Homestead #1102
Bonser/Banzer, John
T4N, R1E, Section 4
Homestead #115
Copeland, James
T4N, R1E, Section 4
Homestead #915
French, William Page
T4N, R1E, Sections 11,12,13
DLC #56
Harris, Leonard
T4N, R1E, Section 17
Homestead #56
Knox, George
T4N, R1E, Section 17
DLC V-161
Reed, Charles
T4N, R1E, Section 12, 17
No. 372
Thomas, Henry
T4N, R1E, Section 17
Homestead #771
Other #960