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Anthony Cline


Anthony Cline passed away on August 9th, 1879. He was the brother of Jacob Cline of Sauvie Island. At the time of his death he was living on Camas Prairie, Klickitat County, Washington territory.

 His heirs listed were;

Wearthy Cline           widow               Klickitat WT

Lottie Stump                    dau.                  Wife of Leonard Stump

Daniel Cline                      son                   (living near the line between Multnomah County and Columbia County. Possibly Sauvie Island)

Robert Cline                     son                   Klickitat Co. WT

Mary Cline                        dau                   Klickitat Co. WT

Jacob Cline                       son                   Klickitat Co. WT

Louis Cline                        son                   Klickitat Co. WT


There were many conflicting claims to the real estate left by Anthony. Jacob and Anthony had bought this land together. The family thought that Jacob had been fairly compensated and the land belonged to their family. Jacob did not see it that way and his claim was held up in court.


The following story is the scenario found in the probate records. It is interesting because of the dates and the names of some other early Sauvie Island families (Multnomah County Courthouse, Oregon, Book 3, No. 711, pg 67, pg 117).

The family of Anthony said that Jacob Cline had induced the family to come to Oregon, by offering to pay their expenses, which they would repay later. Jacob was to furnish a home, farm, stock, equipment, seed, etc. Anthony would share the proceeds of this farm with Jacob and this had been done, according to Anthony’s family.


It appears that Jacob was living on Sauvie Island on the “Dillon” claim when Anthony and family came in 1858. The rent was $15 a month which was to be divided between the two men. In 1866 they bought part of the “Dillon” claim, Jacob paying $775 and Anthony paying $350. Anthony was to repay Jacob, with interest on demand.


Anthony claimed that he had paid $225 to Jacob in March of 1873 in front of Meier and Frank’s store. Leonard Stump and Daniel Cline claimed they had witnessed this transaction.


Jacob claimed that this was not true as he had been at Yaquina Bay, running a store and had not returned until late evening of March 23, 1873. The next morning he left immediately for Washington Territory and did not return until the last of April. He said that Daniel Cline had left Portland in 1872 and was gone for 2 years.


William J. Wiggs confirmed that Jacob had been away from Portland all of 1873 and that he, William, had lived in Jacob’s home during that period.

Sagarlin Knighton claims that he lives on the land of the dec’d where he has been since last fall (1878). He knew that the land belonged to Jacob Cline, but had nothing in writing to show that. He thought about $1,600 - $1,800 was owed to Jacob but Daniel Cline said it was only $600-700.


John G. Tomlinson of Willamette Slough verified that Daniel Cline was away for two years beginning in the spring of 1877. He further said that Anthony Cline had moved to WT in 1875 and lived there until his death.


Judge Rice reviewed the records and ruled in favor of Jacob. He was awarded $1,906.00. The land was eventually sold for $1,475. Jacob felt he was owed $3,515.

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