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1860s Sauvie Island
“A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by future descendants”
Lord Macaulay
(a British Historian and Politician 1800-1859)
This is a copy of the form I usually use when I am researching land records. This one is for John Bonser.
Armstrong, M.L. #4863 T3N, R1W, Sec 28,33
Bonser, John #3247 T3N, R1W, Sec 10,13,14,23
Bonser, Stephen #5090, T3N, R1W, Sec 27,28
Bybee, James #2234, T2N, R 1E, Sec 30,31
Charlton, James #1913, T2N, R 1W, Sec 15,16,22,23
Cline, Jacob #1919, T 2N, R 1W, Sec 8,9,16,17
Cooper, William #3541, T2N, R1W, Sec 2
Cunningham, Jos #1501 T4N, R1W, Sec 3,14,15,16
Henrici, Edward #2820 T4N, R1W, Sec 21,22, 27,28
Section 21
Lat. 45.8154316537438
Long. -122.816271678789
Section 22
Lat. 45.815436786822
Long -122.803177592467
Section 27
Lat. 45.8017436552735
Long. -122.800373423402
Knox, George T3N, R1W, Sec. 11
Lat. 45.7575847589179
Long -122.777549164409
Logie, James #1918, T 2N, R 1W, Sec 6,7,8,17,18
McQuinn,Alxnder #3568, T2N, R1W, Sec 5,6
Menzies, James # 2153, T2N, R1W, Sec 27,28,34
Reddick, Thomas # 30, T38S, R1E, Sec 19
Reeder, Simon` T 3N, R1W, Sec 26,
Lat. 45.713890079061
Long. -122.779401921024
Reeder, Simon T3N, R1W, Sec 34
Lat 45.7031482998745
Long -122.7861188058
Taylor, James #1977, T2N, R1W. Sec 6,7
Westermark,Chs #3479 T3N, R1W, Sec 4,5,8,9
White, Mathew #1979, T2N, R1W, Sec 8,9,15,16,17,20,27