This site will be under Continual construction for several years. New information is found all the time. We will add what we know at this point and as new material is found we will add or change.
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1860s Sauvie Island
“A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by future descendants”
Lord Macaulay
(a British Historian and Politician 1800-1859)
This site covers the early settlers on the island, the Steamboats, Sternwheelers, the people involved in the river industries, artifacts found, Native Americans, mysteries and legends.
And as the title of the movie says
"A Never Ending story"
Our website was not put together in any conventional manner. We wanted to share our findings with others who might not be able to visit all the sites in Oregon and Washington that we were able to.
There is a lot of repetition because of special requests.
Some were curious about all the marriages between the families.
Some wondered about the deaths.
Several wanted to know who in each family connected with the river boats.
People were curious as to how the Red River migration was connected
and what about the Metis? What was their ethnic background ?
(many of the men were Scots from the Orkneys)
We included information about the cemeteries and burials. We had visitors from other states who wanted to see where their ancestors were buried.
Naturally people wondered about the Native Americans on the island.
Notice some people are listed with only a birth year. This is information found in census records. No other information was found.
We added a section called "Inlaws and Outlaws." These are people who might not have lived on the island but they are connected to the island settlers in one way or another.
We are still adding material and expect we will be for many years.
Let us know if there is something you are looking for and not finding.
To be continued.................
Paulina Thorne

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